A Happy Ending for Pets

Many years ago there was a TV documentary about a woman who took on dogs that did not have much longer to live. Some animals died after a few days while others still remained there for several weeks. I was fascinated the most by the statement: „I never have to euthanize an animal, they go on their own accord! “ This cannot be a coincidence with so many dogs and in my opinion it is influenced by the ability of really letting go.

This skill impressed me so much that I started to work on myself. My efforts were rewarded – at the end of his life I could let go of my dog, allowing him to leave this world in a natural way.

Writing a book was not planned, but the death certificate of my dog became the trigger for it. On this form for insurance/tax it is not even considered that an animal can die naturally. Starting from the assumption that my heart’s desire is also that of many other pet owners, I began to combine my experience, thoughts and knowledge in a book.

My book is based on a underlying yet provocative question: Does our own attitude to ageing, death and “letting go” influence how our pets are able to leave this world? It explores the thoughts connected to general and personal aspects, and how dealing with these impacts how we react to this topic.

Therefore this book is not an official guide to mourning and moving on, yet it deals with a lot of background knowledge and themes, which can help take some of the shock and pain away from this difficult and moving topic. It helps to familiarize oneself with these aspects even in the young years of a pet’s life in order to approach the subject with ease and practice the essence of farewell.

My book deals with a very complex topic and its main points, it does not claim to be complete and offers no guarantees. However, I think it is worth taking the time to learn more about this topic to enable a happy ending, not only for our pets!


Steffen Henssler

Steffen Henssler, a famous German TV-chef, already has my book and sent me this lovely thank-you card!

Reviews in specialist journals

"Geliebte KATZE" Ausgabe Nr. 6 Juni 2014

Review by Ellen Lacher
No pet owner likes to think about the topic, but especially sick and old animals deserve to be accompanied on their last path. A great useful guide book with answers and consolation.

"TELLINGTON special" Ausgabe 2/2014

Review by Heimke Moll

This fine smallbook by Natascha Weber, „A Happy Ending For Pets“ is especially useful for new dog owners or those who need a new approach to „letting go“ due to the growing age of their dog. Natascha Weber uses a multitude of personal anecdotes to provide a different view on the death of our pets, in particular of our dogs. While reading the book I often experienced a blurring of discussion, the act of letting go and grief for animals and humans. This book encouraged me to think about the past and the future experiences of a life shared by humans and animals and that is great! The book can be ordered on www.natascha-weber.de in German and English.

"Paracelsus Magazin" Ausgabe 06/2013

Paracelsus Magazin is a German specialist publication focusing on articles about new methods and discoveries in the areas of naturopathy, psychology, alternative animal therapy and wellness.

A Happy Ending for Pets by Natascha Weber
The author finds reassuring words when tackling this difficult subject. She uses personal examples to describe the situation faced when a beloved pet passes away. She offers thoughts that can be applied and understood by everyone regardless of religion or life philosophy. As she approaches the topic so soothingly, even grieving people find strength in it, this removes some of the fear attached to the subject. She provides helpful guidance to determine and prepare for the time to part ways, as well as consoling yet practical advice for the aftermath.

 "Mein Tierheilpraktiker" Ausgabe 06/2013

Mein Tierheilpraktiker is the official publication of the German Alternative Animal Therapist Association (VDT). It aims to educate alternative therapists, veterinarians and animal lovers on species-appropriate, natural approaches to keeping and caring for pets.

A Happy Ending for Pets by Natascha Weber
Review by Monika Heike Schmalstieg

A book that challenges us to think. Can I bare it or should I end it now? This question is clearly addressed on page 56, here evaluating the degree of suffering of a pet and the correct time to call a vet are discussed. This impressive book by Natascha Weber offers many tips and recommendations concerning the active help an owner can provide for his dog when the time has come. Questions such as “How do I deal with the situation?” or “What happens afterwards?” are dealt with. Feelings of the pet owners are discussed, as well as which preparations can be taken to facilitate the passing of a pet. Ms Weber introduces us to personal anecdotes and supports these with facts. The initial motivation for her to write this book came from the death certificate of her 13-year-old setter Kosmo, which had the words “euthanized” replaced with “deceased”. An innovative approach to the topic of death and moving on. This book can be a guide along the path to a happy ending for pets.

Amazon co.uk

To read the full review, follow the link:      Reading this book is a real gift to your animals!

To read the full review, follow the link:      An absolute must-read


To read the full review, follow the link:     I recommend this book to anyone who wants to face „level …

To read the full review, follow the link:     Insightful

To read the full review, follow the link:     A wonderfully written, touching and emotional topic

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